Friday, May 2, 2008

Entertainment on The Road, Volume 1 - iPod

The question that I get asked the most is, "Doesn't it get boring on the road?" or, "Don't you get lonely being by yourself all the time?" The answer really is no, if you have the right tools. In this series I will try to discuss the things I use to entertain myself while making the long hauls. The tips and products I discuss are not just for truckers, but could be very practical for daily commutes or road trips such as vacations. Today I'd like to discuss with you the wonderful world of iPod.

In my opinion, iPod's are one of the most useful inventions. You can store a lot of music and play it back anytime you want, without fumbling through CD's. You can download music from the iTunes store at a reasonable price. They come in a wide variety of styles, sizes, colors, and shapes. You can even save videos and pictures on certain styles. It is basically a portable hard drive that you can take anywhere with you and access anytime you want. Lets break it down and see what the advantages are over older technology.

I'm fairly new to the iPod movement myself. When I started driving I carried CD's with me. Using CD's in automobiles can be troublesome and even hazardous. Not only do you have to carry many CD's to have a good selection of music, but you also have to change them frequently. In addition, you have to find a place to store them that is readily accessible while driving, and hope that you don't drop them and have them get scratched. Now that I have an iPod I leave my CD's at home, where they are safe. If you do have an iPod or plan to get one, its still nice to have the CD's as a hard backup copy of your music should anything happen to the iPod or your computer.

I especially like the shuffle all songs function on the iPod. Not only does this give me hours of uninterupted music, but I never know whats coming next. I am the type of person that likes variety, hence why I love the job of driving, because you never know what tomorrow holds, or even what the next minute holds. On top of that, if you realize that many CD's are created to be played in their entirety, this shuffling them could make for some very interesting transitions. One that comes to mind on my iPod was a transition that I heard that had the intro to one of Eminem's CD's where he introduced a song, then the shuffle cut to a country song. That was definately unexpected, but rather comical to me, so it provided a little added entertainment.

Along with music you could store pictures and videos on some iPod's. In the same way that music storage cuts down on CD's, the picture and video storage will cut down on your need to carry hard copies of these items.

All in all, I found my iPod to be one of the greatest investments I've made. When you combine your iPod with satellite radio, which I'll discuss in the next installment, you are provided with all day entertainment. Sometimes I get lost in the music and find myself miles down the road in no time, so therefore when I'm asked if I get bored on the road, I'm gonna have to say no.

Keep the shiny side up and the muddy side down...

Young Trucker


Water as Fuel?

I was surfing the internet last night and I came across something that peaked my interest. We have the technology to use water as a fuel, not only for vehicles, but to make a power source for electronics and even as a welding fuel. I want to do more research into this subject, to provide good information about it, but I just wanted to let everyone know that its out there. Stay tuned for more information on this.


Thursday, May 1, 2008

Random Ramblings

I was just sitting here in my room listening to some music trying to fend off another bout of depression, and got to thinking about stuff. Thinking about life in general, mind racing around all over, bouncing around all over the place. So if your interested to know what was going through my mind tonight, go ahead and read, its not gonna be anything important but I thought I'd put it up just to kill some time.

Let me start by saying that I have lost all faith in society as a whole. In my short 22 years I have been through a lot. Some people may read this and think thats nothing compared to what I've been through and that may be true, so if you don't wanna hear about it feel free to click that little red X in the top right corner of your screen. I'm not here to gain pitty from anyone, I'm just expressing my feelings, thats what blogs are for right?

The first thing I want to talk about is hate. I don't understand why there is so much hate in this country and in the world. Lets discuss this country alone for a minute. Whenever I see hatred, or hear someone talking bad about someone else, or see the politicians trying to make a law to keep certain people down, as some would say, the first thing that comes to mind is the Declaration of Independence. Or have we all forgotten about that document? Let me quote one line from it:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

I believe if we all listened to that and stilled believe in that, we would all be much happier. What good does it do you to waste your energy and time on hating someone else. Why do you care who they are or what they do? The only time you should be concerned with someone elses actions and person is when they are directly affecting you. Now when I read that line I see many things today that blatantly disregard and defy that statement, no, defy our Declaration of Independence. It started with the slaves. If we believe that all men are created equal how did slavery every come about? But thats history, lets not beat a dead horse anymore than we have to. But if we look at today's laws and society, we see many contradictions to that.

First one that I want to talk about, of course, is the fact that there is so much controversy and hatred over homosexuality. Lets be real people. If some guy is laying in bed with another guy, does it really make that much difference in your life? How is that directly affecting you? It's not. So get over it and let it go. What right do you have to prevent someone from thier pursuit of happiness. Thats all it is when you boil it down. And for you Bible thumpers, I have nothing against you. I don't try to tell you how to live your life. If you want to preach the word of God and devote yourself to Him, thats fine. Im very happy for you that you found something that you can be that passionate about and devote your life to. I wish more people would find something to occupy their idle time with. However, it is a choice. Preach to people who want to be preached to. Don't go and throw your beliefs on everyone you see. Not everyone believes the same thing. Also, how can you spew so much hate towards homosexuality? Isn't the word of God to love? God is the Creator is he not? So he created everything on Earth? Good. Then he created homosexuality too.

Another touchy subject in the spotlight right now is gay marriage. Im not a big supporter of gay marriage, even if it were legalized I don't believe that I would ever get legally married. I don't believe in needing a paper to tell me that I love someone and my life is devoted to them. And what is this whole mess about gay marriage destroying the sanctity of marriage? Wake up people. Look at the divorce rate. Does that seem very sanctified to you? Very few people will only marry once and stay married for life. This is no secret. If marriage is so sacred why are divorces even allowed? Im a supporter of choice, not of gay marriage. We shouldn't have to have new laws to legalize gay marriage. Marriage should just be the union between two people. Thats it. It doesn't need to be any more specific than that. If two people want to get married, go for it. Wether it be man and woman, or man and man, or woman and woman. Who cares. Who is it hurting? Let people pursue their happiness.

As far as gay couples raising kids, good. All these kids stuck in orphanages and foster homes, let them have a real family. They shouldn't be punished for their parents not wanting to handle the responsibility. There have been many children raised by gay couples that have grown up to be well adjusted human beings, unlike most of the world. They will be taught to love, and care for their fellow human, not to hate them and judge them.

Now me being a trucker and gay is something that I deal with every day, not that I'm the only one. There are plenty of other gay truck drivers, but most are afraid of what might happen if anyone finds out. Actually, thats true in general not just in trucking. Many gay men and women will live their whole life pretending to be straight. They know inside who they are, but they live in fear of what would happen if they told anyone. Its a damn shame that we grow up in a world where we live in fear. I am very thankful for the parents that I have, of course its something they had to get used to, anyone would, but the majority of gay youth is afraid to tell their own parents. What kind of society is that when you can't talk to your own parents. They have good reason not to though. I know more than a few people who when telling their parents that they are gay, have been disowned, ridiculed, and even thrown out of their house. And to these parents all I can say is, "WHAT THE HELL!?" Sorry for my outburst, but come on. You are going to treat your own flesh and blood like that? You are the ones that should be recieving the hatred and ridicule. No. Scratch that. No one deserves it. You need to open your eyes and be educated.

But back to me for a second. I love my job as a truck driver. I am very thankful for every day that I get to climb in the truck and do something I love. Most people hate their jobs. To you people I say do something about it. You have a choice. As much as I love my job, I do it always with one eye in front of me and one eye looking behind me. I have not had any bad experiences yet, but I am well aware of the fact that the trucking industry right now is far from being a gay friendly career. I know people who have had some very bad experiences, one of them resulted in his death. Lets put everything else aside for a minute. If you want to talk bad about me, say all you want. Words don't hurt me and we do have a freedom of speech. So be my guest. Call me names, tell me I'm going to hell, tell me God hates me, I don't care, but is it really worth it for you to move it to physical violence? Everything else aside, the pain and anguish you will cause for that person and everyone around them, is it worth it for you to deal with the repercussions of your actions. I think once you get to that point you will realise you made a mistake, but then again hindsight is 20/20, right?

This is just a few things on my mind right now. I don't want to create a post that is too long and will take you all day to read. This is long enough I think. Everything else aside, like the unconstitutional laws we have made, just stop and think for a while. Lets all take a chance to refresh ourselves on what this country was founded on. Take a minute to read the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution. You will realize how far we have strayed. Its really a sad state of affairs.

Live, Laugh, and Love!
Young Trucker

Declaration of Independence



2008 Economic Stimulus Package

Have you been wondreing about the Economic Stimulus Package? Wondernig if you qualify for a refund? Wondering how much to expect? Wondering when to expect it? I have all the information here that will give you a good idea on all of these things.

Let me start by saying that I got all of my information from the IRS website. Don't quote me on this information if you want exact details please go there and check it out. I will explain it to you in my understanding of it in simple terms.

Who is eligable?

Anyone who filed a 2007 Federal Tax Return.

How much should I expect?

The tax refund is calculated by your adjusted gross income and your tax liability for 2007. The minimum payment is $300. It goes up with the amount of your tax liability up to $600. These amounts are doubled for married couples filing jointly. If your adjusted gross income is over $75,000 for single and $150,000 for married filing jointly, your refund will go down by 5% of your adjusted gross income over those thresholds. Also anyone with qualifying children, children under the age of 17 as of December 31, 2007, may be eligable to recieve $300 per child. If your net tax liability is $0 and your qualifying adjusted gross income is less than $3000, you will not recieve a refund.

When can I expend my refund?

The way to determine your expected date of your refund goes by the last two numbers in your social security number.

For direct deposit: (people who signed up for direct deposit on their 2007 tax return)

Last two digits of social security number:

00 through 20 May 2
21 through 75 May 9
76 through 99 May 16

For regular paper check payments: (those who did or will recieve a paper check refund for their 2007 tax refund)

Last two digits of social security number:

00 through 09 May 16
10 through 18 May 23
19 through 25 May 30
26 through 38 June 6
39 through 51 June 13
52 through 63 June 20
64 through 75 June 27
76 through 87 July 4
88 through 99 July 11

These dates are the dates that you should have the deposit in your bank account or the date your paper check will be mailed by. For more details please visit the links below.

IRS Main Page
Stimuls Package FAQ's
Stimulus Package Calculator


Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Fuel Prices and You

A lot of people are concerned with the rising cost of fuel, from truckers to taxi drivers to bus companies to the general motoring public. There are some people that don't realize the full extent of the impact that rising fuel costs will have on them as an individual. The fact is fuel prices have almost doubled in the last five years and it will eventually cause a nationwide inflation on everything we purchase. So when you go to the store don't be surprised if you see the price of milk and bread and everything on the shelf start to rise.

Source: Energy Information Association

Source: OPEC

If you look at the above chart, you will notice a severe spike in fuel prices occuring. This affects everyone and I'll tell you how. The first thing that will happen is the drivers will pay more at the pump which will raise their operational costs. The truck drivers are then going to pass that cost on to the companies that they haul for in whats called a fuel surcharge to cover the added cost. The companies that are shipping products are going to pass that on to whomever they get paid buy be it retail sales or to a manufacturer who will in turn raise the retail sale price to cover the cost. So if you think you are not gonna be affected by fuel prices other than at the pump you are sadly mistaken.

I'm not sure why there hasn't been more vocalized concern for rising fuel prices than there already is, but there needs to be. Truckers have started organizing convoys on the capitol and other major cities to draw attention to this, and have even talked about strikes, which by the way would not be a good thing for anyone. Something needs to be done.

Some people say why don't we open up our oil reserves to control fuel prices. I believe this could help to fend of the rising prices, but it would only be a temporary fix. With the highest estimate of oil reserves in the United States only being 220 billion barrels, that would last at best 11 years. What we really need is to focus on the technology that will allow us to become oil independent. Biodiesel seems to be a promising method of improving our situation. Most biodiesel is virtually non-toxic, and produces much cleaner exhaust. Concerns have arisen though with the fact that most biodiesel is created using corn or soybeans, which could put a strain on food supplies. One little known method of biodiesel, that I personally would like to see more time invested in is using algae. Algea can be grown at wastewater treatment plants and other facilities already in use, which would use their waste resources to create a new resource. Its still in the very early stages of research but I think if we put some time into it, it could be well worth it. Check out the Algaculture link at the bottom for more information.

Another, immediate, action we can take is to reduce idling. Many trucks now have generators or APU's on them that run off the same diesel tank and use a fraction of the fuel it takes to idle the engine. Many states already have idling laws to restrict the idling of diesel trucks and for good reason. A truck can consume one gallon of gas per hour while idling. If you own your own truck I encourage you to invest in a generator or APU. It will pay for itself many times over. If you work for a company that doesn't use this technology, encourage them to do so, or even to open a company account with IdleAire. I have used IdleAire a few times and it is a pretty nice service. And for pete's sake don't idle your truck or run your generator when its not necessary. If its a nice day and you can sleep comfortably without it turn it off.

Im sure there will be more to follow on this topic, but I think I have provided a sufficient amount of information to show everyone just how important it is to be concerned and try to actively do something about our fuel consumption, fuel prices, and oil dependancy. I am shocked that this country is for the most part just sitting back and taking it. We need to act.


National Biodiesel Board



Truck Driver Training

A lot of people are under the misconception that anybody can jump in a truck and do the job. This is not farther from the truth. The trucking industry is one of the most heavily regulated industries, in spite of the so called deregulation in 1980. It takes a keen knowledge of all the laws and regulations to be able to do the job safely and legally. While attending a truck driving school is not mandatory, most companies wont look at you for employment without it.

There are a couple different wasy to go about getting this schooling. You could go to a public truck driving school, but if you do make sure it is approved by the Professional Truck Driving Institute (PTDI). If not, it may still be a good school, but most companies will prefer to see the seal of approval from the PTDI. You can find a list of PTDI approved schools in the links at the bottom of this post. However, going to a public school can be very expensive. If you choose to attend a public school, I would look for one that offers job placement assistance. Even though you have completed a school, you may still find it hard to find a job, because many companies require you to already have some experience.

You need to watch out for schools though. Try to find out their reputation and talk to some graduates if you can. You have to remember that they are in business for one reason, to make money. There have been scams at some places where they would fail students the first time around so they would have to pay again, not because they didn't meet the requirements.

There is hope though. You have the option to go to a company for training. Mostly only the large companies will offer training, because they are the only ones rich enough to be self insured so they dont have to answer to the insurance company, and usually it is paid training. This is the way that I got my training and would recommend to anyone who wants to work as a truck driver. If you think about it why wouldnt you want to get paid to do something rather than pay someone else to do it. The only downfall to this method is that you usually have to sign a contract to work for the company for a certain amount of time, usually a year, or you will have to repay them for the training. I would recommend staying for the full time period agreed upon for two reasons. First, and most obvious, you wont have to pay for your training, and second you you can gain the required experience required by most companies which will make it easier to find another job. However, if you really dislike large companies, some companies will agree to pay for your training, where you will leave the large company after graduating there school and the company you chose to work for will pay for it. If you do it this way, make sure you get everything in writing from the company that has agreed to pay for the training. Another reason I recommend going to a company for training is that I believe the quality of training will be better due to the fact that they aren't making money on most people, unless u leave before the time period, and they are training you to drive their equipment so it only makes sense for them to train you right.

There are two basic parts to any truck driver training program. The first part will be the classroom training where you will learn all the laws and regulations and how to complete your log book, as well as some basic truck functions like shift patterns. The second part is the hands on or on the road portion where you will learn to drive the truck on the road, manuever in a parking lot, back up the truck, and pre trip inspections to name a few. Neither part is more important than the other because you need both to successfully become a truck driver. Make sure you pay close attention through all of your training. And, please, if you happen to get a trainer who is much younger than you, don't think he doesn't know anything. He probably knows a lot more than you ever will.

I hope you will find this information useful and take my advice to go through a company for your training, it only makes sense. And to any of you that do make the plunge into a driving career, I wish you only the best, and remember you can always find me here if you need any information or guidance.

Keep the shiny side up,
Young Trucker


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Reply To: Anonymous

There are several things to look at when you are deciding to work for a large company over a small company. The biggest difference between large and small is the overall way that they operate. A large company will most likely be operated mostly through the use of satellites and computers, where as most smaller companies will still find using the phone for dispatch. You'll have to forgive me because this could get a little lengthy, but trucking is something I am very passionate about, and I love to inform people especially those that know nothing about the industry because its a shame that we have gotten to a point where truck drivers don't get the respect that they deserve, nor do, in most cases, the truck drivers give the motoring public the respect that they deserve, but thats another story for another time, I will try to post that later on.

I can't really say if I prefer small or large companies, Im still torn on that subject, but they both have advantages and disadvantages, and some people like to operate a different way. I like large companies because they have the ability to have freight in most cases even when freight is slow. Smaller companies may slow down as the economy slows down. I prefer smaller companies on the fact that generally they do not have computer systems that track every little thing that the driver does. Most companies do have computer and satellite systems, large or small, but the uses of these systems vary greatly. Large companies tend to do 90% of their business over computers and satellites, like dispatching, getting directions, and most communications with your dispatcher are done through text messages on the satellite. Keep in mind I have only actually worked for one large company and one small company, but I believe these differences will hold true through most of the companies. Smaller companies, the one I work for, only use the satellite mainly for truck and trailer positioning. For example, you would send a message when u pick up or drop a trailer, or when you make a delivery or pickup, but then once you send the message, you would still call in to find out your next work assignment.

Most people are under the misconception that you are just a number to the larger companies, but this is only true to a certain point. Yes to the bigwigs in the corporate offices, you are just a number, but most of the time, you deal with a small group of people, for me was about 4 people, and that group only interacts with 50-60 drivers. So its kind of like having a small company atmosphere inside the larger company.

Many people like the fact that the satellite can track your hours and wont let you work over them, but I don't. I am a firm believer that truck drivers are grown men and they know when they need to sleep. If you think about it logically, and in a real life situation, it makes it really rough on the driver to have to follow the current hours of service. Let me explain. When I worked for the larger company, I would be on the road for a minimum of two weeks at a time. So now not only do I have to work about my daily hour usage, I also have to worry about my weekly hour usage. (If you would like more detail on the hours of service let me know.) In short, I could not drive more than about 8 to 8.5 hours a day to stay under the weekly hour limit. This means that for about 16 hours a day I would have to sit. Who wants to sit in a truck that long, most people wont sleep 16 hours. I just don't agree with the hours of service set the way they are.

Also one last note about large versus small companies. Equipment. Most large companies will buy the low end equipment with a quick turnover rate. The large company I worked for would sell their trucks after 3-4 years of service. Smaller companies, the smart ones, dont want to have to buy new trucks that often, so they generally buy a little bit higher quality. Also with the large company trailer changes were more than a daily occurance most days, and you never knew what to expect when picking up a different trailer. Most people would drop trailers that needed repairs, rather than taking the time to repair them and have them ready for the next driver. A smaller company doesn't have so many trailers and usually you will keep the same trailer for the whole trip and return it to the terminal, where you would write it up and go home, so generally the trailers are better maintained and ready for the road. Don't get me wrong, its not the large companies fault the trailers are in ill-repair, its just the fact that the driver wants to get on with his next load and doesn't want to take the time to write it up and/or find a shop to fix it.

As for my military career, I was in the Army. I was honorably discharged for being a homosexual when I "came out" to my commanding officer. I did it for many reasons, not just to get out because I didn't like it. That could not be farther from the truth. I enjoyed my time in the service and I would be more than willing to return if and when they get rid of their dont ask dont tell policy. I did what I did because I realized I was putting my life on the line for a country that doesn't even want me to be there doing just that. Does that make sense? I will support my country again when my country is ready to support me. I know its still a touchy subject for many people, and I could spend all day writing a monologue about it, but I'll keep it short for now because I've already ranted on about the trucking subject.

I would have to say that my favorite job that I've had besides trucking would be working in a small tire shop. I don't know if its because its still related to transportation, or if its because I like to use my mechanical skills, or maybe a little bit of both. After that I would have to say doing the flooring was fun to, because I like to do home maintenance and remodelling type work. Im a result oriented person, I like to see the results of my work.

I don't really have a lot of hobbies I guess. Just working on my truck (1984 Dodge 1/2 ton), driving (I like to just get in and go for a drive for no reason sometimes), camping (though I don't get to do much of it), and my new hobby, writing this blog. As for living in rural Pennsylvania, I love it. Im the type of person who likes to be out away from the confusion and noise of the city, but still close enough to go to the city for a fun night or a short weekend trip. Where I live its only a short drive to all the major cities; Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Harrisburg, York, and even not really too far for a day trip or weekend trip to New York City, though I don't have to much desire to go there. I've been to NYC for work many times, but it just doesn't strike me as the type of place I want to hang out.

Thanks for the great questions. Thats what I'm looking for, someone who wants to know things about me or about anything random they happen to be thinking about. So please don't be afraid to ask, and also, don't be afraid to identify yourself.

Live, Laugh, and Love
Young Trucker